
I am an academic based at UEA, with a long and varied experience in teaching at British universities. Previously in Glasgow and London, now in Norwich.

I am very interested in exploring ways in which the learning of foreign languages can be facilitated and made widely accessible.

The bite-size approach to the content in this site and the possibility of accessing it from multiple mobile devices makes this possible. Spanish Bytes wants to make it easier to fit learning around your life.

To encourage the social aspect of learning, Spanish Bytes has a Facebook and a Twitter page that you are very welcome to like and follow. There you can have opportunities to exchange ideas, advice, suggestions, mutual support and meet others that share your interest in learning Spanish.

You do not have to sign for any particular course. The content is open and flexible. You can mix and match according to your needs and your curiosity. It will take you one step at a time into your language learning journey. Contact Spanish Bytes if you need help with this.

Spanish Bytes is also open to contributions from fellow academics and teachers with subject expertise and interest in open, accessible and flexible learning. Students can also collaborate, so  encourage your students learning Spanish to contribute too! As Maya Angelou puts it:

        “When you learn, teach, when you get, give”.

Contact Spanish Bytes to explore the wide possibilities that this teaching and learning platform affords.

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