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Córdoba is a fascinating city in southern Spain. Rich in history and full of sites that attest to its remote multicultural origins. In this activity you will learn a bit about it.CONTINUE READING

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La Yecla

La Yecla is a deep and very narrow gorge in the province of Burgos (autonomous region of Castilla and León, Spain). The small river one can see from the path you can follow, has eroded the limestone rocks for millions of years.CONTINUE READING

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A visual taste of Latin America

A visual taste of Latin America offers you a quick look at some emblematic sights, cultural heritage and distinctive elements of the Spanish-speaking America. This is just an example of the kind of work you can do to complement your study of grammar and vocabulary.CONTINUE READING

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Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, drone-view… La reina del Plata (the queen of the Plata river). Click yourself into an aerial view of Argentina’s capital city. Have a nice flight!

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Where is Santiago?

Santiago en el mundo



Where is Santiago? ¿Dónde está Santiago? As you can see there are several possible answers to that question. All of them locations within the Spanish-speaking world. If you are wondering why this is such a popular name, or if you want to know more, keep reading.… CONTINUE READING

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