The Three Wise Men

The Three Wise Men festivity, also known as Reyes (kings) in Spanish, represents the culmination of a long Christmas holiday period. This, officially comes to an end on the 6th of January. I thought you would like to hear more about it because it is a rather distinctive event in its own right, but also compared to other countries.

In the evening of the 5th of January, a parade (cabalgata) enters most cities and towns in Spain. It is 5 pm. This is a very special moment, particularly for the children. What these children witness is no less than the Three Wise Men finally arriving after their long journey from far away in the East.

The Three Kings come together with a royal court of helpers. All are distributed among a string of modern coaches, fantastically and colorfully decorated. This exotic entourage is cheered and warmly greeted along the Three Wise Men. In return, the crowds receive an avalanche of sweets thrown at them, that many collect as quickly as possible. Later that night, while everyone sleeps, The Three Wise Men and their assistants, will leave presents for all the people in town. There is only a catch: this will happen only if they have been good. All people, big and small, should also have cleaned well their shoes. It is also important to leave them under the Christmas tree. Alternatively, and more traditionally, under the crib.

The children will leave some water for the camels and some biscuits for the Three Wise Men. The little ones will normally find it difficult to fall asleep, due to the excitement and great anticipation. The trace of a doubt that perhaps their behaviour was not so good after all will also linger in their heads. Therefore, it could be that they might only get some coal instead. (This coal, which is a sweet, is sometimes indeed placed on top of the shoes, together with some presents. A sign that the magnanimous Three Wise Men know well the receiver of such rock-like, grey-painted and edible surprise).

The 6th of January is a day of celebration. It is also an opportunity to have yet another one-off sweet, the Roscón de Reyes. Click on the following LINK, and read on a bit more. You will find out about this special cake, and the last surprise of that day, which awaits hidden inside it!





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