Talking about a famous person’s toolkit

In the following presentation you are being introduced to a context in which a number of important grammar elements are being used. I am presenting some personal information about a famous person from the Spanish-speaking world. In order to do that, I need to consider verb conjugation and I need to know about both demonstrative and possessive adjectives. Together with this grammar content it is also important to learn some vocabulary to do with family relations.


Below you will find all the tutorials that expand on the important grammar points you need to know about. You will find further reference to these, and also some activities to practice, both in your text book and in your grammar book.

Possesive Adjectives (Pause the tutorial on the slide you have the activity to complete before you check your answers with the third and last slide).

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

Key words for family relations

Physical description, key words and examples.

Once you have become familiar with all these different “components” presented above, the best thing to do is to try them yourself by aiming for something bigger, such a text that you can prepare and write and that you can use to further support your oral skills. The more acustomed you are to use words and grammar in order to communicate for a purpose: a description, a presentation, an interview… the better integrated and available those bits of grammar and vocabulary will be to use in any other context, planned or spontaneous, and the easier will become to build upon it. So now it’s your go!




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